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Fast Monte Carlo simulation for Snowmass2013

Monte Carlo ttbar samples using ATLAS geometry

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You can add a new deatures to Delphes using this test HEPMC record. Download a HEPMC file with ttbar (>650 GeV, 14 TeV) for Delphes. Get it from here LHC_signal_ttbar650.hepmc.gz. Test Delphes as:

gunzip LHC_signal_ttbar650.hepmc.gz
DelphesHepMC examples/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl LHC_ttbar650.root LHC_signal_ttbar650.hepmc

Other samples

Other samples which without pileup and with pileup (keeping all final state particles) are discussed here

Sergei Chekanov 2013/03/06 20:47Alexandre Vaniachine 2013/03/06 20:47

snowmass2013/delphes2.txt · Last modified: 2014/04/24 01:51 by