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CEPC studies plan

This page describes the CEPC studies following the plan described in the observableproposed.docx document. This plan was agreed between ANL (Sergei Chekanov) and IHEP (Manqi Ruan).

Monte Carlo simulation samples

The current baseline for the SiCEPC detector is SiCEPCv2 described here. Compared to the previous version (SiCEPCv1) described in arXiv:1604.01994, it has improved PFA, tracking and a 3T solenoid field. The Monte Carlo samples created for this geometry are located under the tag rful101.

Single electron studies

Setup analysis environment:

wget -O jas4pp.tgz
tar -zvxf jas4pp.tgz
cd jas4pp
source ./ # takes 5 sec for first-time optimization

We will study single-particle files posted to as shown here. Let's check file availability:

hs-ls pgun_electron_eta3_pt150gev 

We will use the reconstruction tag “rfull101” which corresponds to SiCEPC detector.

Now download the files and calculate track resolution for electrons. We will use this script to make the resolution plot

hs-get pgun_electron_eta3_pt150gev%rfull101 data/electrons 2 100 # get 100 files in 2 threads in the directory "data/electrons"

The output resolution is


Sergei Chekanov 2016/11/07 16:27

fcs/cepc/2016.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by