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Analyzing events

The Monte Carlo files (truth level, fast simulations and full simulations) can be accessed from the HepSim repository link. Currently these studies are based on Jas4pp data-analysis environment. Geometry files for full detector simulations can be found in the detector repository.

You have several choices for data analysis:

  • Using the hs-tools package. It is designed for downloading files and processing truth-level files using Python/Jython scripts (or using Java)
  • Using Jas4pp. It is similar to the above package, but it has packages needed to process full-simulation samples (SLCIO files).
  • Using C++/ROOT. If you run over ProMC (truth-level) files, look at the manual ProMC manual.
  • If you run over ROOT files from Delphes, use Delphes manual. Note that Delphes ROOT files can be processed using Java Jas4pp program.
  • If you analyse LCIO files with full simulation, look at LCIO manual.

Some analysis examples implemented in Python and C++ can be found in here. Here are more resources:

  • - shows analysis examples illustrating how to read ProMC and LCIO files.
  • ProMC validation - lists examples that read ProMC files. The examples are implemented in Jython/Python. They can be converted to Java.
  • LCIO validation - lists examples that read LCIO files. The examples are implemented in Jython/Python. They can be converted to Java.

Finding detector simulations

Every entry in the HepSim has “truth-level” files (created by Monte Carlo generators) and reconstruction tags: Data after processing by the fast simulation program (Delphes) have the tag “rfastNNN” (NNN is a number), while data after full simulation have the tag “rfullNNN” (NNN is a number). The info pages for each sample has the link to the tag and the information page describing the detector.

If you need to find all samples for a given tag, use the search page. Then type the tag name. For example, if you are searching for the “rfull006” reconstruction tag, this page returns a complete list of Monte Carlo samples which were processed for a given detector.

Physics and detector studies

Here are several links to extending this Wiki for particular detector-performance topics:

Currently these studies are based on Jas4pp data-analysis environment. Geometry files for full detector simulations can be found in the detector repository.

This manual describes how to work with truth-level samples posted on HepSim. HepSim Python/Java analysis page explains how to write code to read truth-level files using Python on the Java platform.

Sergei Chekanov 2016/04/27 11:37

hepsim/usage.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by