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Supported file formats

ProMC file format

PROMC file format is used since 2014. It is primary used to to keep EVGEN records (truth level). The format uses Google protocol buffers. It uses varints for integer values (and, by design, for 4-momenta and vertex). It's efficient format for events with large number of particles. The file sizes are typically 30% smaller than traditional ROOT with fixed bytes for floats and integer values.

<fc #000080> Supported by hs-toolkit and Jas4PP</fc>

ProIO file format

PROIO file format is used since 2018. It is more efficient file format than ProMC when the number of events in the files larger than 64k, and when number of particles in files is not large. For Monte Carlo records, the files created by ProIO are about 10-20% smaller in size than those from ProMC. ProIO files can be used with C++, Python, Java/Jython, Go.

<fc #000080> Supported by hs-toolkit and Jas4PP</fc>

ROOT file format

ROOT files are used to keep fast detector simulations from Delphes

LHE file format

LHE file formats are typically used for parton-level events from Madgraph.