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Future detector studies

This page describes a few community tools for Future Collider Physics Studies. Look at the Future Collider Physics Studies meetings

Using SLIC for future detector studies

We use SLIC public software for future collider studies. The instruction how to Run SLIC are attached (created by Jan Strube). The instruction works for e+e- collisions generated by Whizard

# Setup the environment: 
source /afs/
# Download a physics file: 
# Download a detector:
mkdir sidloi3
cd sidloi3
unzip ../
# Convert the compact format to other necessary formats
GeomConverter -o lcdd compact.xml sidloi3.lcdd
GeomConverter -o heprep compact.xml sidloi3.heprep
GeomConverter -o pandora compact.xml sidloi3.pandora
cd ..
# Run the simulation on 10 events (The crossing angle of the beams is
# flexible in our simulation. The physics is from head-on collisions. The
# events need to be boosted appropriately such that the outgoing beams go
# through the right beam pipe):
/afs/ -x -i
pythiaZPolemumu.stdhep -g sidloi3/sidloi3.lcdd -r 10 -m /afs/ -o input.slcio
# Run the digitization and tracking:
lcsim -D inputFile=input.slcio -D trackingStrategies=/afs/ -D outputFile=tracking.slcio /afs/
# Run the particle flow reconstruction:
PandoraFrontend -g sidloi3/sidloi3.pandora -i tracking.slcio -c /afs/

You can now analyse the created SLCIO file (“tracking.slcio”) using Python and the FPadSoft software

Truth-level Monte Carlo files

Monte Carlo simulation files with 100 TeV collision events can be downloaded from the HepSim repository. You download, view and process Monte Carlo files as explained here. Also, look at the HepSim wiki.

HCAL studies

vlhc/intro.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 21:25 by