Id | Type | E [GeV] | Dataset name | Generator | Process | Topic | Files | Time |
392 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_dihiggs_cxSM | PYTHIA8 | X to HS channel with S to HH | Exotics | Info | 2025/01/31 |
391 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_mg5py8_dihiggs_cxSM | PYTHIA8 | X to HS channel with S to HH | Exotics | Info | 2025/01/29 |
390 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_HzgH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to HH channel with H to Zg and bb | Exotics | Info | 2024/12/19 |
389 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_SwwH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to SH channel with S to WW | Exotics | Info | 2024/12/11 |
388 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_SzgH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to SH channel with S to Zg | Exotics | Info | 2024/12/10 |
387 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_SttH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to SH channel with S to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2024/12/05 |
386 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_HH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to HH channel, | Exotics | Info | 2024/11/08 |
385 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_SH2bbll | PYTHIA8 | X to SH channel. | Exotics | Info | 2024/11/07 |
384 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_wzjet_2lep | PYTHIA8 | Z+jets, Z+W with Z decaying to leptons | Exotics | Info | 2024/11/06 |
383 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_mg5_pythia8_X2hh | MADGRAPH/PY8 | X to HiggsHiggs | Exotics | Info | 2024/10/28 |
382 | pp | 13600.0 | tev13.6pp_pythia8_ttbar_2lep | PYTHIA8 | ttbar production using 2l channel | SM | Info | 2024/10/08 |
381 | e+e- | 91.0 | gev91ee_pythia8_mm | PYTHIA8 | Z bosons decaying to mu+mu- | SM | Info | 2024/08/02 |
380 | e+e- | 91.0 | gev91ee_pythia8_ee | PYTHIA8 | Z bosons decaying to e+e- | SM | Info | 2024/08/02 |
379 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_py8_X2HH1000GeV | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Double Higgs from X (1000 GeV) | SM | Info | 2024/07/23 |
378 | e+e- | 91.0 | gev91ee_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Z boson pole with all decays | SM | Info | 2024/07/02 |
377 | e+e- | 240.0 | gev240ee_pythia6_Heemm | PYTHIA8 | Double H boson production in ee mumu mode | SM | Info | 2024/04/16 |
376 | e+e- | 240.0 | gev240ee_pythia8_zh | PYTHIA8 | Double ZH boson production | SM | Info | 2024/04/15 |
375 | e+e- | 240.0 | gev240ee_pythia8_ww | PYTHIA8 | Double WW boson production | SM | Info | 2024/04/15 |
374 | e+e- | 240.0 | gev240ee_pythia8_zz | PYTHIA8 | Double ZZ boson production | SM | Info | 2024/04/15 |
373 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_wizard_aa_2f | Whizard 1.X | gamma gamma to 2 fermion processes | SM | Info | 2024/01/30 |
372 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_wizard_4f | Whizard 1.X | 4 fermion production | SM | Info | 2024/01/30 |
371 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_wizard_4f | Whizard 1.X | 4 fermion production | SM | Info | 2024/01/30 |
370 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_wizard_aa_2f | Whizard 1.X | gamma gamma to 2 fermion processes | SM | Info | 2024/01/30 |
369 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_wizard_higgs | Whizard 1.X | Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2024/01/29 |
368 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_wizard_higgs | Whizard 1.X | Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2024/01/29 |
367 | pgun | 0.5 | pgun_singledualhcal | PARTICLE GUN | Single particles for DualCrystalHcal | Single particles | Info | 2023/10/03 |
366 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_py8_2higgs_bbZZ2l2q | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Double Higgs in SM with bbZZ decays | SM | Info | 2023/09/11 |
365 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13_pythia8_higgs_noQCD_bb_bkg | PYTHIA8 | SM events selected with 2 b-quarks (noQCD) | SM | Info | 2023/08/14 |
364 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13_pythia8_higgs_bb_bkg | PYTHIA8 | SM events selected with 2 b quarks | SM | Info | 2023/08/14 |
363 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_py8_2higgs | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Double Higgs in SM | SM | Info | 2023/08/03 |
362 | pgun | 0.5 | pgun_singledualcrystal2 | PARTICLE GUN | Single particles for DualCrystalTower | Single particles | Info | 2023/01/25 |
361 | pgun | 0.5 | pgun_singledualcrystal | PARTICLE GUN | Single particles for SingleDualCrystal | Single particles | Info | 2023/01/23 |
360 | pgun | 0.5 | pgun_dualtestbeam | PARTICLE GUN | Single particles for DualTestBeam | Single particles | Info | 2023/01/10 |
358 | mu+mu- | 250.0 | gev250mumu_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2022/11/17 |
357 | mu+mu- | 250.0 | gev250mumu_pythia8_ww_zz | PYTHIA8 | Double boson production | Higgs | Info | 2022/11/17 |
356 | e+e- | 240.0 | gev240ee_pythia8_ww_zz | PYTHIA8 | Double boson production | Higgs | Info | 2022/11/09 |
355 | e+e- | 2400.0 | gev240ee_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2022/11/09 |
354 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_ww_zz | PYTHIA8 | Double boson production | Higgs | Info | 2022/10/27 |
353 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2022/10/27 |
352 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_compH_mZmL | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Composite Higgs model with Zprime | SM | Info | 2020/11/30 |
351 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_wzbosons_em | PYTHIA8 | W+jets with filtered leptons | SM | Info | 2020/11/16 |
350 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_ttbar_em | PYTHIA8 | ttbar with filtered leptons | SM | Info | 2020/11/16 |
349 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_pythia8_wkkradW | PYTHIA8 | Wkk+radion model | SM | Info | 2020/08/20 |
348 | pp | 27000.0 | tev27pp_pythia8_wprimezprime | PYTHIA8 | Wprime to Zprime plus W | Exotics | Info | 2020/06/05 |
346 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcd_2lep | PYTHIA8 | QCD multijets filtered with 2 leptons | SM | Info | 2020/05/19 |
345 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5py8_gkk2radion2gg | MADGRAPH/PY8 | W3(KK) to radion + Z0 to g g ee/mumu, | Exotics | Info | 2020/04/21 |
344 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_gkk2radion2gg | PYTHIA8 | Gkk decaying to a radion and Z0 | Exotics | Info | 2020/04/19 |
343 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_X1000toABmet | PYTHIA8 | Exotic dibosons in 2 jets 1 leptons and neutrino | Exotics | Info | 2020/03/26 |
342 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_X1000toAB | PYTHIA8 | Exotic dibosons in 2 jets 2 lepton channel | Exotics | Info | 2020/03/26 |
341 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_darkqcd | PYTHIA8 | Dark QCD model (emerging jets) | Exotics | Info | 2020/02/20 |
340 | pp | 27000.0 | tev27pp_pythia8_darkpion_scan | PYTHIA8 | Dark pions (emerging jets) | Exotics | Info | 2020/02/13 |
339 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaH4FNS_sys | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Charged Higgs (H+t) in 4FNS with systematics | Exotics | Info | 2019/11/07 |
338 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_eta0_b0 | PARTICLE GUN | Single particles at Eta=Phi=0 with B-field=0 | Single particles | Info | 2019/09/03 |
337 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_gammajet_weighted | PYTHIA8 | Direct photon production | SM | Info | 2018/12/16 |
336 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_minbias_a14 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A14 | SM | Info | 2018/11/23 |
335 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_minbias_a14 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A14 | SM | Info | 2018/11/22 |
334 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaH4FNS | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Charged Higgs (H+t) production in 4FNS | Exotics | Info | 2018/11/10 |
333 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcd_jz | PYTHIA8 | QCD multijets with filtered in pT slices | SM | Info | 2018/10/31 |
332 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcd_em | PYTHIA8 | QCD multijets with filtered leptons | SM | Info | 2018/10/26 |
331 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_ttbarwz_wgt | PYTHIA8 | SM EW and top processes | SM | Info | 2018/10/25 |
330 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_dm_a_boson | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Zprime for dijet+W/Z events and interference | Exotics | Info | 2018/10/09 |
329 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_dm_boson | MADGRAPH/PY8 | Zprime for dijet+W/Z events | Exotics | Info | 2018/09/26 |
328 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_rmm | PYTHIA8 | Various SM/BSM process for ML | SM | Info | 2018/09/16 |
327 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_qcd_pythia8_proio | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets for ProIO tests | SM | Info | 2018/08/27 |
326 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_qcd_pythia8_proio_tests | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets for tests of ProIO | SM | Info | 2018/08/20 |
325 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_pythia8_dis1q2ct14lo | PYTHIA8 | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2018/07/25 |
323 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHT_tbeta_hw | MADGRAPH/PY8 | H- top with H- to HW and tan(beta)=1-7 | Exotics | Info | 2018/06/13 |
322 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHT_tbeta_tb | MADGRAPH/PY8 | H- top with H- to tb and tan(beta)=1-7 | Exotics | Info | 2018/06/13 |
321 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHW_tbeta_tb | MADGRAPH/PY8 | H+ W- with H+ decay to t-bbar tan(beta)=1-7 | Exotics | Info | 2018/06/06 |
320 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHW_tbeta_hw | MADGRAPH/PY8 | H+ W- with H+ decay to HW for tan(beta)=1-7 | Exotics | Info | 2018/06/06 |
318 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_gamgam | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to gamma gamma | SM | Info | 2018/04/20 |
315 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_weighted | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets (weighted) | SM | Info | 2018/04/17 |
314 | pp | 27000.0 | tev27pp_qcd_pythia8_weighted | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets (weighted) | SM | Info | 2018/04/17 |
313 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_rho_techni | PYTHIA6 | Technicolor rho_T to pi_T W | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/13 |
312 | pp | 27000.0 | tev27pp_mg5_chaHW_hw | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to HW | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/10 |
311 | pp | 27000.0 | tev27pp_mg5_chaHW_tb | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to t-bbar | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/10 |
310 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_chaHW_hw | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to HW | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/10 |
309 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_chaHW_tb | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to t-bbar | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/10 |
308 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHW_hw | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to HW | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/06 |
307 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_chaHW_tb | MADGRAPH/PY6 | H+ W- with H+ decay to t-bbar | Exotics | Info | 2018/04/06 |
306 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_chaHW | PYTHIA8 | Charged Higgs plus W | Exotics | Info | 2018/03/15 |
305 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_chaHtop | PYTHIA8 | Charged Higgs plus top | Exotics | Info | 2018/03/15 |
304 | e-p | 45.0 | gev45ep_proton_dvcs | MILOU | Proton DVCS process | SM | Info | 2017/10/12 |
303 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zhiggs_nunumumu | PYTHIA6 | Z+Higgs to nunu+mumu | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/23 |
302 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zhiggs_nunugg | PYTHIA6 | Z+Higgs to nunu+gg | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/23 |
301 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zhiggs_nunumumu | PYTHIA6 | Z+Higgs to nunu+mumu | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/23 |
300 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zhiggs_nunugg | PYTHIA6 | Z+Higgs to nunu+gg | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/23 |
299 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunubbar | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+bbar | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
298 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunugg | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+gg | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
297 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunumumu | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+mumu | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
296 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunubbar | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+bbar | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
295 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunugg | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+gg | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
294 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_zhiggs_nunumumu | PYTHIA8 | Z+Higgs to nunu+mumu | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/21 |
293 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_higgs_mumu | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to mumu (all processes) | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/15 |
292 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_mumu | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to mumu (all processes) | Higgs | Info | 2017/09/15 |
291 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_qcd_pythia8_weighted | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets pT>40 GeV (weighted) | SM | Info | 2017/08/24 |
290 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_zprime_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Zprime to bbar (different masses) | Exotics | Info | 2017/08/23 |
289 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs(125) to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2017/08/21 |
288 | e-p | 45.0 | gev45ep_pcsim_jpsi | PCSIM | J/Psi production to e+e- | SM | Info | 2017/08/07 |
287 | e-p | 45.0 | gev45ep_pcsim_upsilon | PCSIM | Upsilon(1S) production to e+e- | SM | Info | 2017/08/07 |
286 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes_qedoff | PYTHIA8 | QCD jets with 7 tunes without ISR | SM | Info | 2017/07/14 |
285 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes_qedof | PYTHIA8 | QCD jets with 7 tunes without ISR | SM | Info | 2017/07/14 |
284 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_pythia8_dis1q2 | PYTHIA8 | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/06/26 |
283 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_lepto6ard_dislowq2_jlab | LEPTO/ARIADNE | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 and W2>4 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/06/16 |
282 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_pythia8_ttbar_tunes | PYTHIA8 | top (ttbar) production with 7 tunes | SM | Info | 2017/06/12 |
281 | e+e- | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_ttbar_tunes | PYTHIA8 | top (ttbar) production with tune 14 | SM | Info | 2017/06/09 |
280 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_ttbar_tunes | PYTHIA8 | top (ttbar) production with 7 tunes | SM | Info | 2017/06/03 |
279 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_ttbar_tunes | PYTHIA8 | top (ttbar) production with 7 tunes | SM | Info | 2017/06/03 |
278 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijet events with 7 tunes | SM | Info | 2017/05/20 |
277 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia8_qcdjets_tunes | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijet events with 7 tunes | SM | Info | 2017/05/19 |
276 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_lepto6ard_dislowq2 | LEPTO/ARIADNE | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 and W2>4 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/05/17 |
275 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_lepto6_dis1q2 | LEPTO/PYTHIA | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 and W2>5 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/05/01 |
274 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_higgs_ww | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to WW | SM | Info | 2017/04/29 |
273 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to bbar | SM | Info | 2017/04/29 |
272 | e+e- | 3000.0 | tev3ee_pythia8_qcdjets | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijet events | SM | Info | 2017/04/29 |
271 | e-p | 35.0 | gev35ep_lepto6ard_dis1q2 | LEPTO/ARIADNE | DIS events at Q2>1 GeV2 and W2>5 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/04/19 |
270 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_wh2l | PYTHIA8 | WH2 with W to l+nu | Exotics | Info | 2017/03/16 |
269 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia6_rho_techni | PYTHIA6 | Technicolor rho_T to pi_T W | Exotics | Info | 2017/02/26 |
268 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_higgs2mumu | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to mu+mu- | Higgs | Info | 2017/02/24 |
267 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_wprimezprime | PYTHIA8 | Wprime to Zprime plus W | Exotics | Info | 2017/02/23 |
266 | pgun | 32000.0 | pgun_pions8tev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with p=8.2 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/21 |
265 | pgun | 32000.0 | pgun_2pions8tev_pi | PARTICLE GUN | Two pions separated by 180 deg | Double particles | Info | 2017/02/18 |
264 | pgun | 32000.0 | pgun_2pions_pi | PARTICLE GUN | Two pions separated by 180 deg | Double particles | Info | 2017/02/18 |
263 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to ttbar | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
262 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_ee | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to e+e- | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
261 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_mumu | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to mu+mu- | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
260 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_bbar | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to bbar | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
259 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_higgs_zz_4l | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to ZZ to 4 leptons | Higgs | Info | 2017/02/13 |
258 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_higgs_gamgam | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to 2 photons | Higgs | Info | 2017/02/13 |
257 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_qcd_all | PYTHIA6 | All QCD processes | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
256 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_higgs_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to tau+tau | Higgs | Info | 2017/02/03 |
255 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2017/02/13 |
254 | e+e- | 380.0 | gev380ee_pythia6_zpole_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to tau+tau- | SM | Info | 2017/02/13 |
253 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_epjpsi_jpsi_gamgluon | EPJPSI | J/Psi production in gamma+gluon channel | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
252 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_aroma_dis4q2_bbbar | AROMA | DIS events at Q2>4 GeV2 with bbar | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
251 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_aroma_dis4q2_ccbar | AROMA | DIS events at Q2>4 GeV2 with charm | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
250 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_kaon_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single kaons with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
249 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia8_minbias_a14 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A14 | SM | Info | 2016/12/01 |
248 | pgun | 3000.0 | pgun_muon_eta45_p3tev | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with uniform P=1 to 3000 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/11/16 |
247 | pp | 33000.0 | tev33pp_pythia8_higgswz | PYTHIA8 | Higgs+W (or Z) | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/02 |
246 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_higgswz | PYTHIA8 | Higgs+W (or Z) | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/02 |
245 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_pythia8_higgswz | PYTHIA8 | Higgs+W (or Z) | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/02 |
244 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_higgswz | PYTHIA8 | Higgs+W (or Z) | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/02 |
243 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia8_higgswz | PYTHIA8 | Higgs+W (or Z) | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/02 |
242 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_elec_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
241 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_pion_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
240 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_proton_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single protons with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
239 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_gamma_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single photons with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/06 |
238 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_muon_eta4_pt30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with pT<30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
237 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun_electron_eta3_pt150gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons with pT<150 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
236 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun_proton_eta3_pt150gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single protons with pT<150 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
235 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun_pion_eta3_pt150gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pT<150 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
234 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun_gamma_eta3_pt150gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single photons with pT<150 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
233 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun_muon_eta3_pt150gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with pT<150 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
232 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_electron_eta4_pt100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons with pT<100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
231 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_proton_eta4_pt100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single protons with pT<100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
230 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_pion_eta4_pt100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pT<100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
229 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_gamma_eta4_pt100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single gamma with pT<100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
228 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_muon_eta4_pt100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with pT<100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
226 | mu+mu- | 5000.0 | tev5mumu_pythia6_zprime5tev_ww | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5 TeV) to WW | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
225 | mu+mu- | 5000.0 | tev5mumu_pythia6_zprime5tev_qqbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
224 | mu+mu- | 10000.0 | tev10mumu_pythia6_zprime10tev_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (10 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
223 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qstar_pythia8_mbins | PYTHIA8 | Excited fermions in bins of mass | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/23 |
222 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_muon_eta45pt | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with pT=1 to 1000 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
221 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_muon_eta45 | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons with P=1 to 1000 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/07/30 |
220 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_2klong_angle05 | PARTICLE GUN | Double K-long mesons | Double particles | Info | 2016/08/28 |
219 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_ptall | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2017/02/21 |
218 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_klong_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single K-long mesons from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/08/11 |
217 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_2klong_angle | PARTICLE GUN | Double K-long mesons | Double particles | Info | 2016/05/26 |
216 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100_pythia8_higgs_zz_4l | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to ZZ* to 4 leptons | Higgs | Info | 2016/08/06 |
215 | pgun | 1000.0 | pgun_2pi_angle | PARTICLE GUN | Double pions (+ and -) | Double particles | Info | 2016/05/16 |
214 | pgun | 30.0 | pgun_elec_eta45_30gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons (e+, e-) up to 30 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2017/02/01 |
213 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime_qqbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5-40 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/15 |
212 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_muon_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/08/11 |
211 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_elec_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons (e+, e-) from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/04/19 |
210 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_gamma_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single photons from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/08/15 |
209 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_pizero_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pi0 from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/04/19 |
208 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_neutron_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single neutrons from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/04/21 |
206 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime_ww | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5-40 TeV) to WW | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/08 |
205 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5-40 TeV) to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/17 |
204 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime_bbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5-40 TeV) to bbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/05/03 |
203 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_higgs_ttbar_p1 | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Higgs+ttbar | Higgs | Info | 2016/04/14 |
202 | pgun | 33000.0 | pgun_pi_eta35 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions (pi- and pi+) from 1 GeV to 33 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/08/08 |
201 | pgun | 10000.0 | pgun_pi_eta3 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions (pi- and pi+) from 1 GeV to 8.2 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/04/14 |
199 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_electrons_single | PARTICLE GUN | Single electrons | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
198 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_gamma_single | PARTICLE GUN | Single photons | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
197 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_proton_single | PARTICLE GUN | Single protons | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
196 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_mu_single | PARTICLE GUN | Single muons | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
195 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_pi04_100gev_z150r4 | PARTICLE GUN | Pions (0.4-100 GeV) + random positions | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
194 | pgun | 100.0 | pgun_pi04_100gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions at 0.4-100 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/07 |
193 | pgun | 1.0 | pgun_pi1gev_z150r4 | PARTICLE GUN | Pions (1 GeV) + random position | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
192 | pgun | 1.0 | pgun_pi1gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions (1 GeV fixed) | Single particles | Info | 2016/02/08 |
191 | mu+mu- | 10000.0 | tev10mumu_pythia6_zprime10tev_qqbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (10 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
190 | mu+mu- | 5000.0 | tev5mumu_pythia6_zprime5tev_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (5 TeV) to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
189 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime40tev_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (40 TeV) to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
188 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime40tev_qq | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (40 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
187 | mu+mu- | 40000.0 | tev40mumu_pythia6_zprime40tev_ww | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (40 TeV) to WW | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
186 | mu+mu- | 20000.0 | tev20mumu_pythia6_zprime20tev_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (20 TeV) to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/22 |
185 | mu+mu- | 20000.0 | tev20mumu_pythia6_zprime20tev_qq | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (20 TeV) to qqbar | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/15 |
184 | mu+mu- | 20000.0 | tev20mumu_pythia6_zprime20tev_ww | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (20 TeV) to WW | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/22 |
183 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_pi0_1to1000gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pi0 from 1 to 1000 GeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/01/28 |
182 | pgun | 10000.0 | pgun_pi_1to10000gev | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions (pi- and pi+) from 1 GeV to 10 TeV | Single particles | Info | 2016/03/29 |
181 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_ttbar_njet | MADGRAPH/PY6 | ttbar+N jets (LO+PS) | Top | Info | 2016/01/21 |
180 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_mg5_2HDMexovv | MADGRAPH/PY6 | Heavy Higgs to di-higgs to 4b | Exotics | Info | 2016/01/06 |
179 | mu+mu- | 10000.0 | tev10mumu_pythia6_zprime10tev_ww | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (10 TeV) to WW | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/31 |
178 | mu+mu- | 5000.0 | tev5mumu_mg5_2HDMexovv | MADGRAPH/PY6 | Heavy Higgs to di-higgs to 4b | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/15 |
177 | mu+mu- | 1000.0 | tev1mumu_pythia6_zprime1tev_qq | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (1TeV) to q/g | Exotics | Info | 2016/08/26 |
176 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13_mg5_ttbar_Njet | MADGRAPH/PY6 | ttbar+N jet (NLO+PS) | Top | Info | 2015/12/11 |
175 | mu+mu- | 1000.0 | tev1mumu_pythia6_zprime1tev_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Zprime (1TeV) to tautau | Exotics | Info | 2015/12/18 |
174 | jgun | 3000.0 | jgun_jet_single_pt3tev | JET GUN | Jet cores for 3 TeV jets | Single jet | Info | 2015/12/09 |
173 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_pi_single_mu200 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pileup (mu=200) | Single particles | Info | 2015/12/04 |
172 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_pi_single_mu140 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pileup (mu=140) | Single particles | Info | 2015/12/04 |
171 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_pi_single_mu40 | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions with pileup (mu=40) | Single particles | Info | 2015/12/04 |
170 | pgun | 5000.0 | pgun_pi_single | PARTICLE GUN | Single pions (pi- and pi+) | Single particles | Info | 2016/03/29 |
169 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun150gev_2electrons | PARTICLE GUN | Double protons (+ and -) | Double particles | Info | 2015/11/25 |
168 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun150gev_2electrons | PARTICLE GUN | Double electrons (+ and -) | Double particles | Info | 2015/11/25 |
167 | pgun | 150.0 | pgun150gev_2pi | PARTICLE GUN | Double pions (+ and -) | Double particles | Info | 2015/11/25 |
166 | e+e- | 1000.0 | tev1ee_pythia6_zprime1tev_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Zprime(1TeV) to tautau | Exotics | Info | 2015/11/23 |
165 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_mg5_ttbar_bjet | MADGRAPH/PY6 | ttbar+b (LO+PS) | Top | Info | 2015/11/20 |
164 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_ttbar_bjet | MADGRAPH/PY6 | ttbar+b (LO+PS) | Top | Info | 2015/11/20 |
163 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_ttbar_bjet | MADGRAPH/PY6 | ttbar+b (LO+PS) | Top | Info | 2016/07/15 |
162 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_zbbar_nnpf | PYTHIA8 | Zprime to bbar (ATLAS tune) | Exotics | Info | 2015/11/13 |
160 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_zprime_pythia6_ttbar | PYTHIA6 | Zprime to ttbar for M=10 TeV | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
159 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_lepto6_dis5q2 | LEPTO/ARIADNE | DIS events at Q2>5 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
158 | e-p | 318.0 | gev318ep_lepto6_dis1000q2 | LEPTO/PYTHIA | DIS events at Q2>1000 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2015/10/23 |
157 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_lepto6_dis1000q2 | LEPTO/PYTHIA | DIS events at Q2>1000 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
156 | e-p | 141.0 | gev141ep_lepto6_dis100q2 | LEPTO/PYTHIA | DIS events at Q2>100 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2017/02/07 |
155 | e-p | 318.0 | gev318ep_lepto6_dis | LEPTO/PYTHIA | DIS events at Q2>5 GeV2 | SM | Info | 2015/10/23 |
154 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia6_higgs_zz_4l | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to ZZ* to 4 leptons | Higgs | Info | 2016/08/06 |
153 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_higgs_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to tau+tau | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/26 |
152 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_higgs_gamgam | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to 2 photons | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/20 |
151 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2015/12/06 |
150 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_higgs_zz_4l | PYTHIA6 | Higgs to ZZ to 4 leptons | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/20 |
149 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zpole_bbar | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to bbar | SM | Info | 2015/10/20 |
148 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zpole_mumu | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to mu+mu- | SM | Info | 2015/10/13 |
147 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zpole_tautau | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to tau+tau- | SM | Info | 2017/02/03 |
146 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_zpole_ee | PYTHIA6 | Z boson to e+e- | SM | Info | 2015/10/13 |
145 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_mg5_ttbar_jet | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar+jet (NLO+PS) | Top | Info | 2015/10/09 |
144 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_ZZ | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to ZZ (all decays) | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/06 |
143 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_ttbar_jet | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar+jet (NLO+PS) | Top | Info | 2016/06/01 |
142 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_ttbar_jet | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar+jet (NLO+PS) | Top | Info | 2015/11/19 |
141 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_higgs_ttbar | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Higgs+ttbar (NLO+PS) | Higgs | Info | 2016/04/08 |
140 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mg5_higgs_ttbar | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Higgs+ttbar (NLO+PS) | Higgs | Info | 2016/07/15 |
139 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/02 |
138 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_WW | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to WW | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/02 |
137 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_ZZ4e | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to ZZ to 4e | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/02 |
136 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_gamgam | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to gamma+gamma | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/09 |
135 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs_ZZ4mu | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to ZZ to 4 mu | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/02 |
134 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_qcd_all | PYTHIA6 | All QCD processes | SM | Info | 2015/10/20 |
133 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia6_qcd | PYTHIA6 | All QCD processes | SM | Info | 2015/10/03 |
132 | e+e- | 250.0 | gev250ee_pythia8_higgs | PYTHIA8 | Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2015/10/02 |
130 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_gamgam_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to two photons | Higgs | Info | 2016/11/17 |
129 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_ww_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to WW bosons | Higgs | Info | 2016/05/12 |
128 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_zz_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to ZZ bosons | Higgs | Info | 2016/05/12 |
127 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_higgs_excl_nsrc_superchic | SuperChic | Exclusive Higgs to bbar | Higgs | Info | 2015/08/20 |
126 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_higgs_excl_superchic | SuperChic | Exclusive Higgs to bbar (soft survival) | Higgs | Info | 2015/08/20 |
125 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_ww_excl_superchic | SuperChic | Exclusive WW production | SM | Info | 2015/08/19 |
124 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_pythia8_zboson_tautau | PYTHIA8 | Zboson to tautau | SM | Info | 2015/09/15 |
123 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt27000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>27 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/07/28 |
122 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_zprime6tev_tautau_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Zprime (6 TEV) to tautau | Exotics | Info | 2015/10/16 |
121 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_zprime6tev_ttbar_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Zprime (6 TEV) to ttbar | Exotics | Info | 2015/07/16 |
120 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_qcd_pythia8_pt3500 | PYTHIA8 | QCD pT>3.5 TeV dijets | SM | Info | 2015/07/16 |
119 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt16tev_nosl | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>16 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/06/17 |
118 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_minbias_a2_pythia8_nosl | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2 (no slim) | SM | Info | 2015/06/17 |
117 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_qcd_pythia8_pt1500 | PYTHIA8 | QCD pT>1.5 TeV dijets | SM | Info | 2015/06/12 |
116 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_minbias_a2_pythia8_l3 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2 (l3) | SM | Info | 2015/06/05 |
115 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_qcd_pythia8_pt2500 | PYTHIA8 | QCD pT>2.5 TeV dijets | SM | Info | 2015/05/31 |
114 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_minbias_a2_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2 | SM | Info | 2015/05/30 |
113 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_minbias_a2_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2 | SM | Info | 2015/05/30 |
112 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_minbias_a2_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | MinBias (ND+SD+DD) A2 | SM | Info | 2015/06/05 |
111 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_s0higgshiggs3TeV_alltau | MADGRAPH/PY6 | S0 (3 TeV) to 2 Higgs to all taus | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
110 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_wzdouble_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | WW, ZZ, WZ, pT>1 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/05/13 |
109 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_gluino_llp | PYTHIA8 | SUSY: long-lived gluino (LLP) | Exotics | Info | 2015/04/23 |
108 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia8_allh2 | PYTHIA8 | Double Higgs production | Exotics | Info | 2015/04/18 |
107 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_zbbar | PYTHIA8 | Zprime to bbar | Exotics | Info | 2015/04/23 |
106 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_wzdouble_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | WW, ZZ, WZ, pT>200 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/14 |
105 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_wzdouble_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | WW, ZZ, WZ, pT>200 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/14 |
104 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_higgs_gammaphi | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to gamma+phi | Higgs | Info | 2015/03/30 |
103 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_higgs_excl_fpmc | FPMC | Exclusive Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2015/03/22 |
102 | e+e- | 500.0 | gev500ee_pythia8_higgs | PYTHIA8 | Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2015/09/16 |
101 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_qcd_pythia8_weighted | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets (weighted) | SM | Info | 2015/10/26 |
100 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia_ttbar_pt8000 | PYTHIA8 | ttbar (top) production | Top | Info | 2015/03/14 |
99 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia_wzjet_pt8000 | PYTHIA8 | W/Z bosons, pT>8 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
98 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_2tev_pythia8_weighted | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets pT>2 TeV (weighted) | SM | Info | 2015/11/26 |
97 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcdpt1000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>1 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
96 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_qstar_pythia8_mbins | PYTHIA8 | Excited fermions in bins of mass | Exotics | Info | 2015/04/11 |
95 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qstar_pythia8_mbins_slim | PYTHIA8 | Excited fermions in bins of mass | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
94 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_gamma_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | Direct photons in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2015/09/12 |
93 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_gamma_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | Direct photons in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2015/09/13 |
92 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_higgs_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | Higgs production in bins of pT | Higgs | Info | 2015/02/01 |
91 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | Higgs production in bins of pT | Higgs | Info | 2016/08/19 |
90 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_wzjet_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | Z/W+jet in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2015/09/13 |
89 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | ttbar (top) in bins of pT | Top | Info | 2015/09/13 |
88 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_qcd_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
87 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_ptbins | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets in bins of pT | SM | Info | 2016/08/19 |
86 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mcfm_gamma_alpha020 | MCFM | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
85 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mcfm_gamma_alpha016 | MCFM | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
84 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_higgs_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Higgs (all decays) | Higgs | Info | 2016/04/08 |
83 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_minbias_mu140 | HERWIG++ | MinBias with 140 pileup | SM | Info | 2014/11/23 |
82 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_minbias | HERWIG++ | MinBias processes | SM | Info | 2014/11/23 |
80 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_Ggamma_2tev_n2n6 | PYTHIA8 | Graviton (2 TeV) + gamma for n2-n6 | Exotics | Info | 2015/10/11 |
79 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia8_higgs_bbar | PYTHIA8 | gg2Httbar and qqbar2Httbar | Higgs | Info | 2014/11/18 |
78 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_Ggamma_2tev | PYTHIA8 | Graviton (2 TeV) + gamma | Exotics | Info | 2014/11/16 |
77 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_Ggamma_1.5tev | PYTHIA8 | Graviton (1.5 TeV) + gamma | Exotics | Info | 2014/11/16 |
76 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_Ggamma_1tev | PYTHIA8 | Graviton (1 TeV) + gamma | Exotics | Info | 2014/11/16 |
75 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale_5gev | MCFM | Direct photons (5 GeV isolation) | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
74 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale | MCFM | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
73 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_s0higgshiggs_alltau | MADGRAPH/PY6 | S0 to Higgs Higgs to all taus | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
72 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale | MCFM | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2016/12/14 |
71 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale | MCFM | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2016/12/14 |
70 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_mcfm_gamma_ptscale | MCFM | Direct photons at NLO (12 GeV isolation) | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
69 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgshiggs_to_tautaubbar | MCFM | Higgs+Higgs to tau+tau+bbar (LO) | Higgs | Info | 2014/10/31 |
68 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgshiggs_to_ggbbar | MCFM | Higgs+Higgs to gam+gam+b+bar (LO) | Higgs | Info | 2014/10/31 |
67 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_zprime_pythia8_ttbar | PYTHIA8 | Zprime to ttbar for M=1-20 TeV | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
66 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_pt3tev_pileup | HERWIG++ | QCD pT>3 TeV with pileup | SM | Info | 2015/12/04 |
65 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_gamma_jetphox_ptbins | JETPHOX | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
64 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_gamma_pt1tev_jetphox | JETPHOX | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2014/10/31 |
63 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_ttbar_pileup | HERWIG++ | ttbar production with pileup | Top | Info | 2014/10/31 |
62 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_pt1tev_pileup | HERWIG++ | QCD pT>1 TeV with pileup | SM | Info | 2014/10/31 |
61 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_pythia8_higgs_rhadrons | PYTHIA8 | Higgs to R-hadrons | Exotics | Info | 2014/10/31 |
60 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_gamma_herwigpp_pt_atlas | HERWIG++ | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
59 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_gamma_pythia8_pt_atlas | PYTHIA8 | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
58 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar at LO | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
57 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pt2500_mg5 | MADGRAPH/HW6 | pp->ttbar at NLO, pT>2500 GeV | Top | Info | 2016/11/15 |
56 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pt2500_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar, pT>2500 GeV | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
55 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pt2000_mg5 | MADGRAPH/HW6 | pp > ttbar at NLO | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
54 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_zboson_ee_mcfm | MCFM | Zboson to e+e- (NLO) | SM | Info | 2015/08/14 |
53 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_wprime10000_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Wprime (10 TeV) | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
52 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgsjet_gamgam_mcfm | MCFM | Higgs -> (g+g)+jet (NLO) | Higgs | Info | 2015/08/14 |
51 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_gamgam_mcfm | MCFM | Higgs-> g+g (NLO) | Higgs | Info | 2015/04/11 |
50 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_jets_nlojetpp | NLOjet++ | Inclusive jets at NLO | SM | Info | 2014/10/31 |
49 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_zprime_pythia8_all | PYTHIA8 | Zprime to all, M=6,8,10 TeV | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
46 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt16000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>16 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
45 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcdpt3000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>3 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/08/06 |
44 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_pythia8_qcdpt6000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>6 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
43 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_ttbar | PYTHIA8 | ttbar production at LO | Top | Info | 2016/04/08 |
42 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg4nlo_ttbarZ | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar+Z | Top | Info | 2016/04/08 |
41 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg4nlo_ttbarW | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar+W | Top | Info | 2016/04/08 |
39 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5nlo_ttbar | MADGRAPH/HW6 | ttbar production | Top | Info | 2016/04/08 |
38 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_herwigpp_ttbar | HERWIG++ | ttbar production | Top | Info | 2016/04/08 |
37 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_pythia_tW | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Single-top tW channel | SM | Info | 2016/04/08 |
36 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_pythia_tchannel | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Single-top t-channel | SM | Info | 2016/04/08 |
35 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_jets_nlojetpp | NLOjet++ | Inclusive jets | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
34 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_mcfm_gammapt25_fixed | MCFM | Direct photons pT>25 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
33 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_jetphox_gammapt40_full | JETPHOX | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
30 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_gamma_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
29 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_wjet_mcfm | MCFM | W+jet at NLO | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
28 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_zprime1000_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Zprime production, M=1 TeV | Exotics | Info | 2015/04/11 |
25 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_pythia_wzjet_pt2700 | PYTHIA8 | W/Z bosons, pT>2700 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
24 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_mcfm | MCFM | pp->ttbar at NLO | Top | Info | 2015/04/11 |
23 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8_pt8000 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar, pT>8 TeV | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
22 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8_pt2700 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar, pT>2700 GeV | Top | Info | 2015/07/27 |
21 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8_pt300 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar, pT>300 GeV | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
20 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pythia8_pt900 | PYTHIA8 | pp->ttbar, pT>900 GeV | Top | Info | 2015/04/12 |
19 | pp | 13000.0 | tev13pp_excl_higgs_fpmc | FPMC | Exclusive Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2014/11/24 |
18 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_pythia8_qcd | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets | SM | Info | 2016/04/08 |
17 | pp | 14000.0 | tev14pp_mg5_nlo_httbar | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Higgs+ttbar | Higgs | Info | 2016/04/08 |
16 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_pt2500_mg5_lo | MADGRAPH/HW6 | pp->ttbar, pT>2500 GeV | Top | Info | 2015/04/10 |
15 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_ttbar_mg5 | MADGRAPH/HW6 | pp->ttbar at NLO | Top | Info | 2015/11/13 |
14 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt8000 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>8 TeV | SM | Info | 2015/10/21 |
13 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt2700 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>2700 GeV | SM | Info | 2016/03/29 |
12 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt900 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>900 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/10/03 |
11 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_pythia8_pt300 | PYTHIA8 | QCD dijets, pT>300 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/10 |
10 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_kkgluon_ttbar_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | KKgluon to ttbar M=1-20 TeV | Exotics | Info | 2016/11/16 |
7 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_qcd_herwigpp_pt2700 | HERWIG++ | QCD dijets, pT>2700 GeV | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
6 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_gamma_herwigpp | HERWIG++ | Direct photons | SM | Info | 2015/04/11 |
5 | pp | 8000.0 | tev8pp_ww_excl_fpmc | FPMC | Exclusive WW production | SM | Info | 2015/03/23 |
2 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_ttbar_mg5 | MADGRAPH/HW6 | Higgs+ttbar (NLO+PS) | Higgs | Info | 2015/11/13 |
1 | pp | 100000.0 | tev100pp_higgs_pythia8 | PYTHIA8 | Higgs production | Higgs | Info | 2016/01/07 |
Views: 20,280. HepSim repository for particle collision events. ANL.